Mission, Vision, and Values

What motivates us is our:

  • Vision - what we aspire to be
  • Mission - why we exist
  • Strategic Priorities - directive that set the framework to achieve our vision
  • Values - behaviors we can expect from each other to promote our just culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

All of these elements are focused on health equity which means ensuring that everyone has the chance to be as healthy as possible.

WMed Mission, Vision, Values Pyramid

Empowering Our Future Strategic Planning Initiative

In September 2021, the dean kicked off a comprehensive planning process, the Empowering Our Future planning initiative, to create a new aspirational and inspiring vision that would help to define the medical school's future identity, build a stronger culture, position WMed to become a leader among medical schools, and set our strategic direction for the next decade. This was a three-phase process of discovery, shaping the vision, and translating the vision into action.

WMed Planning Process

2022-26 Strategic Plan

Three Strategic Priority Teams created the goals and objectives for the 2022-26 strategic plan. Click here for a printable version of the plan. Annual actions are developed by the Strategic Priority Teams as well as departments/units across the medical school to support accomplishment of the goals and objectives.

Accomplishing Our Plans

To ensure that the strategic plan is accomplished, the plan actions are incorporated as the annual performance goals for the individuals, departments, programs or teams who are responsible. At the Executive Team, Senior Leadership Team, and Strategic Planning Leadership Team meetings, strategic plan status reports are reviewed to ensure the organization is on track and making progress. Regular strategic plan updates are provided to the Board of Directors.

  • Strategic Planning in Our First Decade

    The planning process to develop the medical school's strategic plan was approved by the Board of Directors in February 2012. As a new medical school, the theme of our inaugural 2014-18 strategic plan was development and implementation of new programs, services, curriculum, facilities, partnerships, and processes. Together, we have accomplished significant milestones and achieved our many "firsts" as a new institution. Our 2018-22 Guiding Principles defined our culture -- why we exist, what we aspire to be, and the work that we do each day. Our Values provided a roadmap to excellence. They served as a reminder that we achieve excellence and success together. Our Values in Action -- the behaviors that are meant to bring our Values to life through actions -- reflected who we were together as an institution because they are the actions that benefited our patients, our learners, and our colleagues, and made WMed a better place each day. The strategic plan was focused on operational excellence and becoming even better. Our annual actions built upon the strong foundation we had created while emphasizing improvement, efficiency, and delivering even better programs and services to all that we serve.

    Our Guiding PrinciplesStrategic Plan

Social Mission Metrics Initiative BadgeSocial Mission Metrics Initiative

WMed is proud to be an inaugural supporter of the Social Mission Alliance Social Mission Metrics Initiative as part of our commitment to promoting social mission in medical education. Social mission metrics help the medical school measure what matters for the development of our healthcare workforce and we are proud of our commitment to continual improvement in our programs. Learn more at socialmission.org.