The third Friday of March is a national event the medical education community recognizes as Match Day. This special annual event marks the day our graduating medical students learn their residency destinations in this annual rite of passage. The spirit and excitement this day holds for our medical students is incredible and we want our WMed alumni and friends of the medical school to join the celebration.
WMed alumni, faculty, staff, residents, students and friends can support the next generation of physicians in two ways: Send a congratulatory message to graduating students or make a gift in their honor.
Match Day Well-Wishes to the Class
On the third Friday in March, our graduating MD Class discovers their residency training destinations. Each year, WMed students join medical students nationwide to discover their respective futures as they open the the envelopes containing their residency match!
As we welcome these students into our WMed Alumni Association, please join us in sharing messages of encouragement, and best wishes. The Alumni Association office will compile and email the messages to students the week of Match Day.
Visit the Match Day webpage to learn more about the WMed students’ results.
The Alumni Association will continue the tradition and collect congratulatory messages for the class. Submissions would be appreciated by the second Friday in March to be shared with students for Match Day.
Honor the Class with a Gift
Honor our students by contributing to the WMed Fund in their honor. These gifts support such initiatives as the WMed Educational Pathway Program, student medical research opportunities, and the WMed General Scholarship Fund. These gifts will also be used to provide resources for WMed Dean Paula Termuhlen, MD, to use in implementing her vision to take the medical school to the next level in service to the region and in national distinctiveness.
More Ways to Get Involved
It wouldn’t be possible for us to deliver the best events, publication spotlights, and opportunities without strong support from you, our trusted body of alumni, faculty, staff, community leaders, and parents of our students. Whether you participate financially or through active involvement in our alumni and student programs, you help create a learning environment that sets the bar for all other medical universities.
Visit our Alumni webpage to learn how you can get involved.