Message from the Alumni Association Chair
Alumni play a very important role in WMed’s success. As alumni, you have the power to transform the lives of others by sharing what you have learned along the way. A major aim of the WMed Alumni Association is to ensure that WMed continues to be an educational support and networking resource, as well as creating a mutually beneficial bond between alumni and the school. The Alumni Association provides strategic direction for the WMed Alumni Association members and serves as a voice for all alumni.
As a WMed alumnus, you received special and unique training which significantly impacted your life. You now have the opportunity to give back to others. The Alumni Association is the perfect vehicle for supporting, promoting, and advancing the professional activities of alumni and current students.
As a proud alumnus of both the MBS and MD program at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine (WMed) it is my honor to serve as the first chair of the Alumni Association. As a relatively young medical school, WMed had the unique opportunity to create something new. An opportunity to take the best parts of established medical education and make them their own.
From an inaugural class size of only 54, to the introduction of multiple MS programs, (Bioinformatics, Medical Engineering, and Biomedical Science), WMed has continued to flourish as a state-of-the-arts medical school. As the institution has grown, it has been amazing to witness the success of our graduates. Medical students and residents have matched and now work as professionals in every medical specialty, all over the country.
As our alma mater continues to thrive and produce amazing graduates, researchers, clinicians, and educators, we hope to establish an amazing Alumni Association. Together, we can connect with a mission to engage with WMed, stay connected to one another, and work together to continue helping WMed achieve their mission.
Ernie Morton MD, MBA, MS
WMed Class of 2022
Alumni Association Chair
WMed alumni are encouraged to participate in the following ways:
- Participate in engagement opportunities as it relates to students, residents, and alumni. Provide perspective on alumni engagement and philanthropic strategies.
- Participate in WMed events and programs as it pertains to alumni (i.e. commencement activities).
- Encourage alumni and student engagement using your personal and professional networks. Actively connect alumni, students, and residents through WMed events and communications.
- Serve as a WMed ambassador by sharing stories of impact, growth, and success and by engaging with the alumni through social media and other communications.
- Attend the quarterly Alumni Association meetings.
- Provide support to WMed in the form of time, talent, or treasure.
If you are interested in getting involved with the Alumni Association, please email