Planned engagement of individuals who are not employees of WMed is disclosed by Principal Investigators during the Pre-Approval Process. Additional unplanned engagement of individuals who are not employees of WMed during the post-award phase of a sponsored award may be requested via Administrative Actions.
If the Principal Investigator intends to engage any outside entities as part of their proposal the PI must submit to the SPA Pre-Award Coordinator an External Entity Proposal Form including Scope of Work for each entity/individual.
This form will allow SPA to determine the appropriate status of the outside entity. This could include subaward, independent contractor or employee.
Independent Contractor or Employee?
Individuals who are not employees of WMed are occasionally needed to work on programs or projects. Engagement of these individuals can be achieved in several ways, including through independent contractor agreements. Independent contractor is a term specifically defined by the U.S. Department of Labor. WMed recognizes federal definitions and complies with all federal regulations in the classification, engagement, and compensation of independent contractors.
Independent Contractors
For work outside of sponsored programs, these arrangements can be requested by department chairs through Human Resources. For work on sponsored programs, these arrangements must be requested through SPA.
All Independent contractors are required to undergo screening through Human Resources prior to performing any work for WMed. The scope of the work to be undertaken by the independent contractor will determine the nature of the screening process.