The Data Analytics Services Unit (DASU), housed within the Department of Biomedical Informatics, comprises of services for data collection and management (including REDCap development) as well as biostatistical support. The unit is available to consult and collaborate on research projects, quality improvement projects, grants, and manuscripts.
The DASU is available to assist at varying stages of the research process, from project initiation to manuscript publication, and is happy to provide the following services for any project with the involvement of WMed faculty and staff, residents, and/or students.
Data Management Services
- Consults while you are developing your scientific questions on the type and feasibility of the data most likely to yield rigorous results.
- Assists with requests for clinical, educational, and other data types ensuring data requests meet all federal, state, and institutional regulations. Note: All clinical data must be requested through the DASU service, using the WMed Virtual Data Warehouse.
- Acts as the honest broker for data validation, cleaning, and de-identification.
- Provides support with drafting the data management plan (DMP) of your written research protocol that describes the kinds of data to be collected, where the data will be stored, and for what time frame.
- Provides secure, institution-approved data storage options for project data sets.
REDCap Development Services
- Utilizes the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) system to create surveys and data collection instruments.
- Consults on survey development and design best practices for question wording and survey distribution.
- Collaborates with investigators throughout the process to ensure project needs are continuously met.
Biostatistical Consulting Services
- Consults while you are developing your scientific questions on the statistical analyses most likely to yield rigorous results.
- Assists with drafting the statistical analysis plan (SAP) of your written research protocol that describes the statistical testing you wish to perform.
- Provides support with writing the SAP for your grant application, including performing sample size estimation calculations and the proposed biostatistical methods for analysis of the data you intend to collect.
- Analyzes your data as outlined in your protocol or proposal. The biostatisticians will present the investigation team results and be available to help with any interpretation or clarification.
- Assists in interpretation of analyses and writing up results for manuscripts and/or presentations.
- As time permits, the biostatisticians will assist with creating graphical representations of your data; during peak times, however, the DASU may only send output to be formatted by the investigative team into tables for publications.
- How do I get started with a research project?
Please visit the Getting Started with Research webpage.
- What types of data are available?
Many data sources are available through WMed including clinical data from WMed Health and our healthcare partners, decedent data through the WMed Pathology department, student record data, resident record data, and large databases of publicly available data through the Healthcare Cost & Utilization Project (HCUP) and the All of Us Research Program. For data availability and feasibility questions, email
- What is available from HCUP?
The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) includes the largest collection of longitudinal hospital care data in the United States and is managed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. WMed has purchased and currently has access to several of the databases, including: National Inpatient Sample (NIS, 1988-2014 & 2016-2021), Kids’ Inpatient Database (KID, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2016, & 2019), Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS, 2009, 2012, 2015) and Nationwide Readmissions Database (NRD, 2012, 2013, 2014). Additional information on HCUP can be found on their website at
- When/how can I meet with a data manager or biostatistician?
For new projects in the development stage, you should complete the Project Request & Triage Form to discuss the feasibility of your project with the Research Support Team (Research Navigator, HRPP representative, data management, and biostatistician). For other general questions, email
- I submitted the Project Request and Triage form. What happens now?
Watch your email for a notice to schedule a brainstorming/kick-off meeting with the WMed Research Support Team (Research Navigator, HRPP representative, data management, and biostatistician). The DASU team will be available for questions and consultation at this meeting.
- Can I get grant support?
Our team provides data management, REDCap, and statistical support for grant funded projects. To confirm support and prepare budget information please complete the Request for Grant Assistance Form.
To ensure adequate time for review, we require 14+ days’ notice for requests for statistical assistance or data management/REDCap feasibility and 30+ days’ notice for a power or sample size analysis.
- How long does it take for statistical analysis?
We aim to provide deliverables within one week for most projects; however, deliverables may be in draft stage. More complicated projects may require more time. It is the responsibility of the study team to provide ample time for statistical analysis – depending on the complexity of the problem and the current workload, a few weeks may be required.
- What if I have a last minute/urgent request?
Urgent requests should be emailed to and will be completed as possible on a case-by-case basis. When contacting the team, please include the project name, principal investigator name, and IRB number to expedite the inquiry.
- How do I get access to REDCap?
For assistance in creating a REDCap account or getting the access needed for a research project housed in REDCap, please email Please note, accounts go inactive after 90 of inactivity. If this happens, your account will need to be reinstated by IT through an email to
- What is the cost for data management, REDCap, or biostatistics services?
DASU services are provided free of charge for projects led by WMed faculty who have no external support. If you are budgeting for external funding, please contact the Manager of the Data Analytics Services Unit at and our Sponsored Programs Administration at
- Does DASU expect authorship on presentations and manuscripts?
- The DASU team follows ICMJE authorship guidelines. If our team contributes the following, we appreciate authorship on your project:
- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- Drafting the work or reviewing it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- Final approval of the version to be published; AND
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved
- If the team assists but does not meet the criteria above, we appreciate acknowledgement.
- The DASU team follows ICMJE authorship guidelines. If our team contributes the following, we appreciate authorship on your project: