Professor, Department of Medicine
Professor, Department of Medical Education
John Buckley, MD, MPH is a licensed physician in Michigan. After graduating from Kalamazoo College in 1985, he attend Wayne State University School of Medicine and graduated in 1989. He began his Internal Medicine residency at Indiana University and after completing that training, spent a year as a "hospitalist" before beginning a Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine fellowship at Indiana. During the fellowship, he extended his training to obtain a Masters degree in public health at Indiana University-Bloomington in 1996. Upon completing his fellowship, he took a Senior Staff Physician position at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit in June 1997. He became involved in medical education and assumed the role of Pulm/CCM fellowship program director which he held until leaving Henry Ford in 2008. He was recruited to Indiana University where he served in several capacities; including Vice Chair for Quality and Patient safety, Pulm/CCM fellowship director, statewide IM sub-internship clerkship director, service line leader for Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, and Vice-Chair for Education in the IU Dept of Medicine. In 2020, he returned to Henry Ford Hospital to become the Division Head for Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine until July 2023. He has been very active in his professional society and currently serves as President-Elect for the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST), and will serve as President of CHEST during 2024. His clinical interests are general pulmonary and critical care medicine, and he enjoys teaching learners of all levels, and mentoring early-career faculty.
Education and Training
- Fellowship 1997, Pulmonary and Critical Care, Indiana University
- MPH 1996, Indiana University
- Fellowship 1996, Health Services Research, Indiana University School of Medicine
- Residency 1992, Internal Medicine, Indiana University
- Internship 1990, Internal Medicine, Indiana University
- MD 1989, Wayne State University School of Medicine
- BA 1985, Chemistry, Kalamazoo College
- undergraduate medical education
- Education, Medical, Graduate
Qiao R., Marciniuk D.D., Buckley J.D., Levine S.M., Wu S., Wang C. The Strategic Establishment of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine as a Subspecialty in China: Third Report From the China-CHEST PCCM Fellowship Project Chest. 2020;157(5):1082-1085.
Twigg H.L., Khan S.H., Perkins A.J., Roberts S., Sears C., Rahman O., Smith J.P., Kapoor R., Farber M.O., Ellender T., Carlos G., Gilroy G., Buckley J., Bosslet G., Machado R., Gao S., Khan B.A. Mortality Rates in a Diverse Cohort of Mechanically Ventilated Patients with Novel Coronavirus in the Urban Midwest Critical Care Explorations. 2020;2(8):E0187.
Dilly C., Carlos W., Hoffmann-Longtin K., Buckley J., Burgner A. Bridging the gap for future clinician-educators Clinical Teacher. 2018;15(6):488-493.
Bosslet G., Buckley J. Reply Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2017;14(8):1358.
Bosslet G.T., Carlos G.W., Tybor D.J., McCallister J., Huebert C., Henderson A., Miles M.C., Twigg H., Sears C.R., Brown C., Farber M.O., Lahm T., Buckley J.D. Multicenter validation of a customizable scoring tool for selection of trainees for a residency or fellowship program the EAST-IST study Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2017;14(4):517-523.
Barrett J.C., Alweis R., Frank M., O'Connor A., Mcconville J.F., Adams N.D., Arfons L., Bernard S., Bradley T., Buckley J.D., Cohen E., Cornett P., Elkins S., Kopelman R., Luther V.P., Petrusky J., McNeill D.B., Omar B., Palapiano N., Roth T., Satko S., Fried E.D., Muchmore E.A. Adoption of a Uniform Start Date for Internal Medicine Fellowships and Other Advanced Training: An AAIM White Paper American Journal of Medicine. 2015;128(9):1039-1043.
Ernst A., Wahidi M.M., Read C.A., Buckley J.D., Addrizzo-Harris D.J., Shah P.L., Herth F.J.F., De Hoyos Parra A., Ornelas J., Yarmus L., Silvestri G.A. Adult bronchoscopy training: Current state and suggestions for the future: CHEST expert panel report Chest. 2015;148(2):321-332.
Fessler H.E., Addrizzo-Harris D., Beck J.M., Buckley J.D., Pastores S.M., Piquette C.A., Rowley J.A., Spevetz A. Entrustable Professional activities and curricular milestones for fellowship training in pulmonary and critical care medicine: Executive summary from the multi-society working group Critical Care Medicine. 2014;42(10):2290-2291.
Fessler H.E., Addrizzo-Harris D., Beck J.M., Buckley J.D., Pastores S.M., Piquette C.A., Rowley J.A., Spevetz A. Entrustable professional activities and curricular milestones for fellowship training in pulmonary and critical care medicine report of a multi society working group Chest. 2014;146(3):813-834.
Khan B.A., Calvo-Ayala E., Campbell N., Perkins A., Ionescu R., Tricker J., Campbell T., Zawahiri M., Buckley J.D., Farber M.O., Boustani M.A. Clinical decision support system and incidence of delirium in cognitively impaired older adults transferred to intensive care American Journal of Critical Care. 2013;22(3):257-262.
Khan B.A., Farber M.O., Campbell N., Perkins A., Prasad N.K., Hui S.L., Miller D.K., Calvo-Ayala E., Buckley J.D., Ionescu R., Shekhar A., Ely E.W., Boustani M.A. S100 calcium binding protein B as a biomarker of delirium duration in the intensive care unit - An exploratory analysis International Journal of General Medicine. 2013;6:855-861.
Boustani M.A., Campbell N.L., Khan B.A., Abernathy G., Zawahiri M., Campbell T., Tricker J., Hui S.L., Buckley J.D., Perkins A.J., Farber M.O., Callahan C.M. Enhancing care for hospitalized older adults with cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2012;27(5):561-567.
Khan B.A., Guzman O., Campbell N.L., Walroth T., Tricker J.L., Hui S.L., Perkins A., Zawahiri M., Buckley J.D., Farber M.O., Ely E.W., Boustani M.A. Comparison and agreement between the richmond agitation-sedation scale and the riker sedation-agitation scale in evaluating patients' eligibility for delirium assessment in the ICU Chest. 2012;142(1):48-54.
Khan B.A., Zawahiri M., Campbell N.L., Fox G.C., Weinstein E.J., Nazir A., Farber M.O., Buckley J.D., Maclullich A., Boustani M.A. Delirium in hospitalized patients: Implications of current evidence on clinical practice and future avenues for research-A systematic evidence review Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2012;7(7):580-589.
Buckley J.D., Mastronarde J., Piquette C.A. Training pathway for critical care medicine JAMA. 2011;305(18):1860.
Campbell N.L., Khan B.A., Farber M., Campbell T., Perkins A.J., Hui S.L., Abernathy G., Buckley J., Sing R., Tricker J., Zawahiri M., Boustani M.A. Improving delirium care in the intensive care unit: The design of a pragmatic study Trials. 2011;12
Khan B.A., Hui K.Y., Hui S.L., Gulati R., Tricker J., Campbell N.L., Farber M.O., Boustani M.A., Buckley J.D. Time-motion analysis of health careworkers' contactwith patients and workers' hand hygiene: Open Vs closed units American Journal of Critical Care. 2011;20(3)
Buckley J.D., Joyce B., Garcia A.J., Jordan J., Scher E. Linking residency training effectiveness to clinical outcomes: A quality improvement approach Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 2010;36(5):203-208.
Kavathia D., Buckley J.D., Rao D., Rybicki B., Burke R. Elevated 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels are associated with protracted treatment in sarcoidosis Respiratory Medicine. 2010;104(4):564-570.
Buckley J.D., Addrizzo-Harris D.J., Clay A.S., Curtis J.R., Kotloff R.M., Lorin S.M., Murin S., Sessler C.N., Rogers P.L., Rosen M.J., Spevetz A., King T.E., Malhotra A., Parsons P.E. Multisociety task force recommendations of competencies in pulmonary and critical care medicine American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2009;180(4):290-295.
Buckley J.D., Ouellette D.R., Popovich J. Pulmonary Embolism Critical Care Medicine: Principles of Diagnosis and Management in the Adult. 2008:895-916.
Stein P.D., Beemath A., Matta F., Weg J.G., Yusen R.D., Hales C.A., Hull R.D., Leeper K.V., Sostman H.D., Tapson V.F., Buckley J.D., Gottschalk A., Goodman L.R., Wakefied T.W., Woodard P.K. Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Data from PIOPED II American Journal of Medicine. 2007;120(10):871-879.
Stein P.D., Woodard P.K., Weg J.G., Wakefield T.W., Tapson V.F., Sostman H.D., Sos T.A., Quinn D.A., Leeper K.V., Hull R.D., Hales C.A., Gottschalk A., Goodman L.R., Fowler S.E., Buckley J.D. Diagnostic pathways in acute pulmonary embolism: Recommendations of the PIOPED II - Investigators Radiology. 2007;242(1):15-21.
Stein P.D., Woodard P.K., Weg J.G., Wakefield T.W., Tapson V.F., Sostman H.D., Sos T.A., Quinn D.A., Leeper K.V., Hull R.D., Hales C.A., Gottschalk A., Goodman L.R., Fowler S.E., Buckley J.D. Diagnostic Pathways in Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Recommendations of The PIOPED II Investigators American Journal of Medicine. 2006;119(12):1048-1055.
Watson P.Y., Musial J.L., Khandewal A.K., Buckley J.D. To the editor [6] JAMA. 2006;295(24):2847-2848.
Watson P.Y., Khandelwal A.K., Musial J.L., Buckley J.D. Brief report: Resident and faculty perceptions of conflict of interest in medical education Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2005;20(4):357-359.
Ailani R.K., Alimchandani A., Hidalgo J., Ailani R., Buckley J., Digiovine B. Cephalosporin-resistant pneumococcal pneumonia: Does it, affect outcome? Respiratory Medicine. 2002;96(10):805-811.
Buckley J.D. Is routine use of pulmonary artery catheters indicated in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome? Con: Not indicated Journal of Bronchology. 1999;6(2):119-122.