We want you to be involved in your care. Please ask questions and speak up if you have concerns. If you do not understand something, please ask again. Talking with your doctor or nurse helps ensure the best care possible.
You are part of the team!
Get to know us. We are the people who will be taking care of you or your loved one. We will introduce ourselves at each visit and wear a name badge so you know who your health care team is. Patients and their families are our partners on the healthcare team. We want you to ask questions, share information, and help make decisions about your care.
Patient Survey
We value your input and will use it to improve the care and services we provide to you and your family. Following your visit, you may receive a patient survey in the mail or via email. Please take a few minutes to complete and return the survey to provide us feedback about the care you received.
Concerns, Complaints, and Compliments
If you have a concern about your care while you are at the practice, please ask to speak to a clinical leader or medical director. They will assist you in resolving your concern while you are here. Presentation of a concern or complaint will not compromise your access to care. If you are not satisfied with the response to your concern or you have a complaint or compliment after you leave the practice, you may fill out a Patient Feedback Form on the WMed Health website or contact the Director of Clinical Services by calling the patient hotline at 269.337.6445 to leave a compliment or begin a formal complaint.
Please return the form to:
Email: patientinquiries@wmed.edu
Fax: 269.337.6288
Mail: WMed Health
1000 Oakland Drive
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
We respond to all formal complaints and make every effort to resolve the issue to your satisfaction. If your concern is not resolved by WMed Health, you may file your complaint with other agencies.
State of Michigan
Mail: Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Community and Health Systems - Health Facility Complaints
P.O. Box 30664
Lansing, MI, 48909
Phone: 800.882.6006
Fax: 517.335.7167
Email: BCHS-Complaints@michigan.gov