Division Chief, Division of Geriatrics
Professor, Department of Medicine
Professor, Department of Medical Ethics, Humanities, and Law
Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine
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Patient Care Related:Biosketch
Daniel Brauner, MD, chief of the Division of Geriatrics at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine in Kalamazoo, Michigan is a board-certified internist with added specializations in geriatrics and medical ethics who is also boarded in rheumatology. He received a bachelor of science in biology from Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, and his medical degree from Upstate Medical School, SUNY Syracuse, New York. He was a resident and chief resident at Cook County Hospital in Chicago, completed his Rheumatology Fellowship at the University of Illinois, Chicago, and Cook County Hospital, and a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship at the Institute for Humanities and Medicine at Hiram College. He was a founding member of the section of Geriatrics at the University of Illinois, Chicago, where he practiced rheumatology and geriatrics and held an appointment in the Department of Medical Humanities. He then moved to the University of Chicago, where he concentrated on geriatrics practice, research and teaching. He was the director of the geriatrics fellowship program, medical director of its teaching nursing home, co-director of the ethics consultation service, and assistant director of the Center for Clinical Medical Ethics. His research interests include the historical genesis of current standards of care, care of patients with multiple comorbidities especially cognitive impairment, communicating with persons with dementia, measuring quality of care and safety in long term care and issues of access to and disparities of health care.
Board Certification
- American Board of Internal Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
- American Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine)
- American Board of Internal Medicine (Rheumatology)
Education and Training
- Fellowship 1985, Rheumatology, Cook County Hospital, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Chief Resident 1983, Internal Medicine, Cook County Hospital
- Residency 1982, Internal Medicine, Cook County Hospital
- MD 1979, SUNY Upstate Medical University
- BS 1975, Biology, Cornell University
- Rheumatology
- Medical Ethics
- History of Medicine
- Geriatrics
- Dementia
Kimura R.C., Brauner D.J., deJong J.L., Lee J.H. Fatal Complication of Mouthguard Used to Treat Awake Bruxism in Patient with Frontotemporal Dementia Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2024;25:24-26.
Maravelas R., Aydemir B., Vos D., Brauner D., Zamihovsky R., O'Sullivan K., Bell A.F. External validation of GO-FAR 2 calculator for outcomes after in-hospital cardiac arrest with comparison to GO-FAR and trial of expanded applications Resuscitation Plus. 2023;16
Yan K., Sadler T., Brauner D., Pollack H.A., Konetzka R.T. Caregiving for Older Adults With Dementia During the Time of COVID-19: A Multi-State Exploratory Qualitative Study Journal of Applied Gerontology. 2023;42:2078-2088.
Konetzka R.T., Davila H., Brauner D.J., Cursio J.F., Sharma H., Werner R.M., Park Y.S., Shippee T.P. The Quality Measures Domain in Nursing Home Compare: Is High Performance Meaningful or Misleading? Gerontologist. 2022;62:293-303.
Davila H., Shippee T.P., Park Y.S., Brauner D., Werner R.M., Konetzka R.T. Inside the Black Box of Improving on Nursing Home Quality Measures Medical Care Research and Review. 2021;78:758-770.
Reinhart E., Brauner D. A critique of clinical economy: Reassessing value and care during covid-19 - An essay by Eric Reinhart and Daniel Brauner The BMJ. 2020;370
Brauner D.J., Zimmermann C.J. Will we code for default ECMO? AMA Journal of Ethics. 2019;21(5):443-449.
Perraillon M.C., Brauner D.J., Konetzka R.T. Nursing Home Response to Nursing Home Compare: The Provider Perspective Medical Care Research and Review. 2019;76(4):425-443.
Brauner D., Werner R.M., Shippee T.P., Cursio J., Sharma H., Konetzka R.T. Aging & Health: Does nursing home compare reflect patient safety in nursing homes? Health Affairs. 2018;37(11):1770-1778.
Brauner D.J. Nurses, Doctors, and the Cardiac Arrest Paradigm: A Collaborative Endeavor Nursing History Review. 2016;24(1):103-109.
Brauner D.J. The Structure of Autonomy–Paternalism: An Exercise in Framing and Reframing American Journal of Bioethics. 2016;16(8):15-17.
Konetzka R.T., Brauner D.J., Coca Perraillon M., Werner R.M. The Role of Severe Dementia in Nursing Home Report Cards Medical Care Research and Review. 2015;72(5):562-579.
Konetzka R., Brauner D., Shega J., Werner R. The effects of public reporting on physical restraints and antipsychotic use in nursing home residents with severe cognitive impairment Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2014;62(3):454-461.
Baru J.S., Lucas B.P., Martinez C., Brauner D. Organ donation among undocumented hispanic immigrants: An assessment of knowledge and attitudes Journal of Clinical Ethics. 2013;24(4):364-372.
Brauner D. Later than sooner: A proposal for ending the stigma of premature do-not-resuscitate orders Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2011;59(12):2366-2368.
Brauner D., Rees G., Gainty C. Attending code status discussions at admission Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2011;26(9):956.
Brauner D.J. Reconsidering default medicine Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2010;58(3):599-601.
Case G.A., Brauner D.J. Perspective: The doctor as performer: A proposal for change based on a performance studies paradigm Academic Medicine. 2010;85(1):159-163.
Chahal M.S., Brauner D.J., Meier K.E. Phospholipase D2 enhances epidermal growth factor-induced Akt activation in EL4 lymphoma cells Pharmaceuticals. 2010;3:2045-2058.
Gainty C., Rees G., Brauner D. History matters American Journal of Bioethics. 2010;10(1):76-77.
Brauner D. Adherence to medication in patients with dementia: Problems and solutions Geriatrics and Aging. 2009;12(5):259-263.
Brauner D. Commentary 2 Virtual Mentor. 2009;11(8):576-581.
Brauner D.J., Grusin S.L. In-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation [2] New England Journal of Medicine. 2009;361(17):1708.
Lawrence R., Brauner D. Deciding for others: Limitations of advance directives, substituted judgment, and best interest Virtual Mentor. 2009;11(8):571-576.
Knoepp S.M., Chahal M.S., Xie Y., Zhang Z., Brauner D.J., Hallman M.A., Robinson S.A., Han S., Imai M., Tomlinson S., Meier K.E. Effects of active and inactive phospholipase D2 on signal transduction, adhesion, migration, invasion, and metastasis in EL4 lymphoma cells Molecular Pharmacology. 2008;74:574-584.
Brauner D., Merel S. How a model based on linguistic theory can improve the assessment of decision-making capacity for persons with dementia Journal of Clinical Ethics. 2006;17(2):139-148.
Bylow K., Brauner D. Temporal arteritis: The importance of recognizing senescent changes versus quiescent disease in a temporal artery biopsy [15] Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2006;54(12):1959-1960.
Brauner D.J., Brown L.B., Ott B.R., Papandonatos G.D., Ready R.E., Morris J.C. Who should decide driving competence? [6] (multiple letters) Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2005;53(9):1637-1638.
Cook S., Brauner D., Baron A., Sachs G. Improving medical care of persons with alzheimer’s disease through clinical teaching: The impact program Gerontology and Geriatrics Education. 2004;24(3):9-21.
Brauner D.J., Hatala R., Guyatt G.H. Research in medical education [5] (multiple letters) JAMA. 2003;289(2):176.
Brauner D.J., Muir J.C., Sachs G.A. Treating nondementia illnesses in patients with dementia JAMA. 2000;283(24):3230-3235.
Poirier S., Ahrens W.R., Brauner D.J. Songs of innocence and experience: Student's poems about their medical education Academic Medicine. 1998;73(5):473-478.
Semla T.P., Palla K., Poddig B., Brauner D.J. Effect of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act 1987 on Antipsychotic Prescribing in Nursing Home Residents Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 1994;42(6):648-652.
Stanford A., Brauner D., Chambers T., Donnelly W., Hunter K., Poirer S., Sharf B. Reading literary theory, reading Ivan Ilych: old wine in new wineskins. Caduceus (Springfield, Ill.). 1994;10(3):161-178.
Bartlett M.C., Gorman J., Brauner D.J., Graham M.E., Coats B.C., Marder R., England S.E., Miller B., Gaibel L., O'Shea B., Ganzer C., Poirier S. Moral reasoning and Alzheimer's care: Exploring complex weavings through narrative Journal of Aging Studies. 1993;7(4):409-421.
Donnelly W.J., Brauner D.J. Why SOAP Is Bad for the Medical Record Archives of Internal Medicine. 1992;152(3):481-484.
Poirier S., Rosenblum L., Ayres L., Brauner D., Sharf B., Stanford A. Charting the chart--an exercise in interpretation(s). Literature and medicine. 1992;11(1):1-22.
Poirier S., Brauner D. The voices of the medical record Theoretical Medicine. 1990;11(1):29-39.
Froelich C.J., Burkett J.S., Guiffaut S., Kingsland R., Brauner D. Phytohemagglutinin induced proliferation by aged lymphocytes: Reduced expression of high affinity interleukin-2 receptors and interleukin-2 secretion Life Sciences. 1988;43(20):1583-1590.
Poirier S., Brauner D. Ethics and the Daily Language of Medical Discourse Hastings Center Report. 1988;18(4):5-9.
Brauner D.J. The Heimlich Maneuver: Procedure of Choice? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 1987;35(1):78-78.
Brauner D., Sherer R. Talcosis in AIDS victims? American journal of clinical pathology. 1984;81(1):145.
Layon J., Idris A., Warzynski M., Sherer R., Brauner D., Patch O., McCulley D., Orris P. Altered T-Lymphocyte Subsets in Hospitalized Intravenous Drug Abusers Archives of Internal Medicine. 1984;144(7):1376-1380.
- Elder abuse and neglect in Michigan: An overview of elder death review teams. Collins B, Grande A, Pink C, Brauner D, 42nd Annual Kalamazoo Community and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2024
- Road Design as Public Health: Case Study of an Arterial Roadway in Kalamazoo County. Randhawa M, Szabadi S, Quon C, Brauner D, 41st Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical & Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 05/2023
- Impact of COVID-19 on Psychotropic Use In the Elderly. Jan A, Le J, Huan D, Brauner D, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- Understanding the Area Agency on Aging's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Zamihovsky R, Brauner D, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021