The Self Donation Form must be completed in its entirety and received by the Body Donation Program before a body can be accepted.
- The form can be handwritten or typed.
- Select the length of the donation for a period of four years, six years, or forever. A forever donation will be used in education and research for as long as possible
- Once the study of the body is complete, we either arrange for cremation or retain the individual as part of the WMed Skeletal Research Collection. Please indicate if you would prefer cremains be returned to next-of-kin or buried at the WMed memorial, or whether you would like your donation to continue to advance education and research as part of the WMed Skeletal Collection.
- A handwritten signature is required by the donor. In the case of multiple next-of-kin representatives, handwritten signatures of each representative is required.
- A handwritten signature of the next-of-kin and at least one disinterested party are required.
- Once the donor form is complete with signatures, one copy should be mailed, emailed, or faxed to the WMed Body Donation Program. One copy should be kept by the donor, and one copy should be given to the next-of-kin representative, physician, attorney, relative, or friend. We also encourage donors to make their wishes known to family members and, if working with a funeral home, the funeral home representative.
Upon receipt of the signed donor form, you will be sent a pocket-size donor card to carry with you at all times. The card confirms enrollment in the program and the procedures to be followed in the event of death, so that the WMed Body Donation Program is notified immediately.