Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Contact Information
Catherine Kothari PhD is a Population Health researcher with the Department of Biomedical Sciences. She conducts investigator-initiated research and program evaluation focusing upon social determinants of health, health services and health outcomes for topics spanning racial - socioeconomic disparities, intimate partner violence, criminal justice involvement and mental health. In addition to traditional quantitative and qualitative research methods, she uses geospatial analysis for mapping and multi-level analysis of health outcomes.
She is senior epidemiologist for Cradle-Kalamazoo, a collective impact community initiative to improve maternal-infant health and reduce racial and socioeconomic disparities. As part of this effort, she has developed the Cradle Data Hub; which includes a Care Coordination Registry of maternal-infant home visitation programs, Kalamazoo Fetal Infant Mortality Review Team, and the Mom’s Health Experiences Survey.
She serves on local, state and national advisory boards including the Kalamazoo Interpersonal Violence Response Team, Michigan Infant Mortality Advisory Council, National Fetal Infant Mortality Review Racial Disparities Workgroup. Dr. Kothari leads the Kalamazoo Fetal Infant Mortality Review Team and helps train teams across the state.
She serves as co- instructor for the Epidemiology lecture series with WMed, authored the Medical Student Scholarly Project program guide and developed the research arm of WMed’s Active Citizenship program (2014-2016). She is a faculty advisor for the Social Justice Interest Group, and her student nominee was an awardee the US Public Health Service 2017 Excellence in Public Health Award.
Education and Training
- PhD 2014, Health Sciences, Western Michigan University
- MA 1985, Communications, Michigan State University
- BA 1983, English and Sociology, University of Michigan-Flint
- intimate partner violence
- Mental Health
- Medical Sociology, Social Demography, Race/Ethnicity, Social epidemiology, Social Inequalities
- Environment and Public Health
- Diversity & Inequality
- Community Based Research
Belachew B., Damashek A., Presberry J., O’Rourke B., Bautista T.M., Kothari C. A Qualitative Analysis of the Effects of COVID-19 on Home Visiting Service Provision Child Maltreatment. 2024;29:508-515.
Gates K., Chahin S., Damashek A., Dickson C., Lubwama G., Lenz D., Bautista T., Kothari C. The Relation of Maternal Psychosocial Risk Factors to Infant Safe Sleep Practices Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2024;28:1061-1071.
Tierney K.I., Pearce N., Miller E., Steiner A., Tighe K., Presberry J., Kothari C. Barriers to Postpartum Care: A Mixed Methods Study of Midwestern Postpartum Women Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2024;28:93-103.
Wadsworth P., Graves L., Pogula M., Duerst A., Southard J., Kothari C., Presberry J. Patients’ Perspectives on Informational Support and Education in the Perinatal Period: “The Quicker They Could Be Done With Me, the Better” Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health. 2024;69:110-117.
Damashek A., Berman A., Belachew B., Kothari C. Pilot test of a measure to assess clients’ perceptions of their home visitors Infant Mental Health Journal. 2023;44:117-124.
Moe A.M., Kothari C.L. Perinatal Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of Mothers' Perceptions of Early Childhood Exposure Violence and Gender. 2023;10:85-90.
Kothari C.L., Corbit K., Presberry J., Bautista T., O’Rourke B., Lenz D. Race, Multiraciality, Income, and Infant Mortality: Markers of Racial Equity Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2022;31:689-702.
Damashek A., Kothari C., Berman A., Chahin S., Lutzker J.R., Guastaferro K., Whitaker D.J., Shanley J., Self-Brown S. Engagement in Home Visiting Services during the Transition from Pregnancy to Postpartum: A Prospective Mixed Methods Pilot Study Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2020;29:11-28.
Wadsworth P., Degesie K., Kothari C., Moe A. Intimate Partner Violence During the Perinatal Period Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 2018;14:753-759.
Wadsworth P., Kothari C., Lubwama G., Brown C., Benton J.F. Health and Health Care from the Perspective of Intimate Partner Violence Adult Female Victims in Shelters: Impact of IPV, Unmet Needs, Barriers, Experiences, and Preferences Family and Community Health. 2018;41(2):123-133.
Kothari C., Romph C., Bautista T., Lenz D. Perinatal Periods of Risk Analysis: Disentangling Race and Socioeconomic Status to Inform a Black Infant Mortality Community Action Initiative Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2017;21:49-58.
Malik S., Kothari C., MacCallum C., Liepman M., Tareen S., Rhodes K.V. Emergency Department Use in the Perinatal Period: An Opportunity for Early Intervention Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2017;70:835-839.
Kothari C., Wiley J., Moe A., Liepman M.R., Tareen R.S., Curtis A. Maternal depression is not just a problem early on Public Health. 2016;137:154-161.
Kothari C.L., Liepman M.R., Shama Tareen R., Florian P., Charoth R.M., Haas S.S., McKean J.W., Moe A., Wiley J., Curtis A. Intimate Partner Violence Associated with Postpartum Depression, Regardless of Socioeconomic Status Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2016;20:1237-1246.
Kothari C.L., Paul R., Dormitorio B., Ospina F., James A., Lenz D., Baker K., Curtis A., Wiley J. The interplay of race, socioeconomic status and neighborhood residence upon birth outcomes in a high black infant mortality community SSM - Population Health. 2016;2:859-867.
Cerulli C., Kothari C., Dichter M., Marcus S., Kim T., Wiley J., Rhodes K. Help-seeking patterns among women experiencing intimate partner violence: Do they forgo the criminal justice system if their adjudication wishes are not met? Violence and Victims. 2015;30(1):16-31.
Cerulli C., Kothari C., Dichter M., Marcus S., Kim T.K., Wiley J., Rhodes K.V. Help-seeking patterns among women experiencing intimate partner violence: Do they forgo the criminal justice system if their adjudication wishes are not met? Violence and Victims. 2015;30(1):16-31.
Cerulli C., Trabold N., Kothari C.L., Dichter M.E., Raimondi C., Lucas J., Cobus A., Rhodes K.V. In Our Voice: Survivors’ Recommendations for Change Journal of Family Violence. 2015;30(1):75-83.
Cerulli C., Kothari C.L., Dichter M., Marcus S., Wiley J., Rhodes K.V. Victim participation in intimate partner violence prosecution: Implications for safety Violence Against Women. 2014;20(5):539-560.
Kothari C.L., Zielinski R., James A., Charoth R.M., Del Carmen Sweezy L. Improved birth weight for black infants: Outcomes of a healthy start program American Journal of Public Health. 2014;104(SUPPL. 1)
Kothari R.U., Kothari C., Deboer M., Koestner A., Rohs T. Inpatient hospitalization and intimate partner violence: Who are we treating? Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2014;77(1):129-136.
Curtis A.B., Kothari C., Paul R., Connors E. Using GIS and secondary data to target diabetes-related public health efforts Public Health Reports. 2013;128(3):212-220.
DeBoer M.I., Kothari R., Kothari C., Koestner A.L., Rohs T. What are barriers to nurses screening for intimate partner violence? Journal of trauma nursing : the official journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses. 2013;20(3)
Kothari C.L., Rhodes K.V., Wiley J.A., Fink J., Overholt S., Dichter M.E., Marcus S.C., Cerulli C. Protection Orders Protect Against Assault and Injury: A Longitudinal Study of Police-Involved Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2012;27(14):2845-2868.
Dichter M.E., Cerulli C., Kothari C.L., Barg F.K., Rhodes K.V. Engaging with criminal prosecution: The victim's perspective Women and Criminal Justice. 2011;21(1):21-37.
Kothari C., Wendt A., Liggins O., Overton J., Del Carmen Sweezy L. Assessing maternal risk for fetal-infant mortality: A population-based study to prioritize risk reduction in a healthy start community Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2011;15(1):68-76.
Rhodes K.V., Dichter M.E., Kothari C.L., Marcus S.C., Cerulli C. The Impact of Children on Legal Actions Taken by Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Journal of Family Violence. 2011;26(5):355-364.
Rhodes K.V., Kothari C.L., Dichter M., Cerulli C., Wiley J., Marcus S. Intimate partner violence identification and response: Time for a change in strategy Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2011;26(8):894-899.
Rhodes K., Cerulli C., Dichter M., Kothari C., Barg F. "I didn't want to put them through that": The influence of children on victim decision-making in intimate partner violence cases Journal of Family Violence. 2010;25(5):485-493.
Kothari C.L., Cerulli C., Marcus S., Rhodes K.V. Perinatal status and help-seeking for intimate partner violence Journal of Women's Health. 2009;18(10):1639-1646.
Kothari C.L., Rhodes K.V. Missed opportunities: Emergency department visits by police-identified victims of intimate partner violence Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2006;47(2):190-199.
- Cradle Kalamazoo: A review of a decade of community research to reduce Black infant mortality in Kalamazoo. Butters R, Wewer A, Ospina F, Hunter O, Patil V, Evans N, Bane C, Kothari C, 42nd Annual Kalamazoo Community and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2024
- Failures, Modes, and Effects Analysis Exposes Failures in Prenatal Home Visitation Referral for Pregnant Persons. White N, Fritz A, Patil V, Kalina C, O'Rourke B, Bautista T, Lane-Davies A, Frink J, Kothari C, 41st Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical & Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 05/2023
- Assess the health of a community collaborative: Cradle Kalamazoo Social Network Analysis. West S, Burger H, Wagner D, Patrick L, Patil V, Evans N, Bello O, Clark K, Razvi K, Corbit K, Kothari C, 41st Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical & Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 05/2023
- Tracking a Largescale Community Initiative, Cradle-Kalamazoo, Across Phases and Leadership Changes. Patrick L, Wagner D, Bello O, West S, Burger H, Patil V, Evans N, Clark K, Razvi K, Corbit K, Kothari C, 41st Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical & Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 05/2023
- Preventing Sleep-related Deaths Using Fetal Infant Mortality Reviews. Corpuz E, Sullivan B, Beck E, Carroll E, Presberry J, Lenz D, O'Rourke B, Bautista T, Kothari C, 40th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2022
- Race, Multiraciality, Income, and Infant Mortality: Markers of Racial Equity. Kothari C, Corbit K, Presberry J, Bautista T, O'Rourke B, Lenz D, Evans N, Coleman M, 40th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2022
- Care Coordination Registry Identifies System Gaps and Strengths. Presberry J, Kothari C, Lubwama G, Bautista T, O'Rourke B, Lenz D, 40th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2022
- Increased NICU Admission Rate for Infants of Chlamydia-Infected Mothers. Issack W, Bauler L, Kothari C, Loveland J, 40th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2022
- COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Change, and a Rise in Overdose Deaths. Bielby C, Kothari C, Mecklenburg K, deJong J, 40th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2022
- Kalamazoo Maternal/Child Health Universal Access Form Investigation. Kothari C, Presberry J, Gray M, Yu J, Woods-Dawson J, Vergara R, Razvi K, DeMoss M, O'Rourke B, 40th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2022
- Barriers to Postpartum Care: A Mixed Methods Study of Midwestern Postpartum Women. Tighe K, Miller E, Tierney K, Pearce N, Steiner A, Presberry J, Kothari C, 40th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2022
- Impact of Patient Provider Relationship on Post-Partum Contraception Choice. Hillier L, Smith S, Bauler L, Kothari C, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- Geographic Access to Pediatric Care and Preventable ED Visits for Children Living in High Risk Neighborhoods. Kothari C, Baker K, Dickson C, Baxter J, Long W, Kaur A, Donkor D, Bolliet M, Rhodes K, Bautista T, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- Short Interpregnancy Intervals Are Associated with Poor Birth Outcomes for Women of Kalamazoo County. Parr R, Vos D, Sherfield M, Kothari C, Bauler L, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- Time to Break Up the Power Hierarchy: Listen to Women. Deibel M, Linares S, Moss D, Sandberg M, Waters C, Gumbleton L, Presberry J, Kothari C, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- Role of Psychosocial Risk Factors in Mothers' Engagement in Safe Sleep Practices. Chahin S, Gates K, Damashek A, Dickson C, Lenz D, Lubwama G, Bautista T, Kothari C, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- Discrimination, Vigilance, and the Patient-Provider Relationship. Moss D, Sandberg M, Linares S, Deibel M, Gumbleton L, Presberry J, Waters C, Kothari C, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- "The Quicker They Could Be Done With Me, The Better": Women's Perspectives on Time, Equity, and Quality Perinatal Healthcare. Wadsworth P, Duerst A, Kothari C, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- Race and Intersectionality: Women's Stories of Powerlessness and Invisibility in Healthcare. Allen E, Jackson Y, McWilliams EA, Hans A, Bautista T, Johnson E, Ospina F, Presberry J, Gumbleton L, Kothari C, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- Race In Healthcare: Stories of Grace in the Face of Systemic Discrimination. Presberry J, Allen E, Jackson Y, McWilliams EA, Hans A, Bautista T, Johnson E, Ospina F, Gumbleton L, Kothari C, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- Differential Impact of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) Within the Kalamazoo Community. Sullivan BN, Lin AJ, Mak JR, Lee CY, Baxter J, Presberry J, Corbit K, Bautista T, Lucas S, Razvi K, Kothari C, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- Empowering Women's Self-Agency in Prenatal Care With a Trusting Patient-Provider Relationship. Waters C, Linares S, Gumbleton L, Presberry J, Sandberg M, Moss D, Kothari C, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021