Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Brandon R. Mancini, MD, MBA is a radiation oncologist at West Michigan Cancer Center. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan, earning a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Psychology. He then attended Wayne State University School of Medicine for medical school earning his Doctor of Medicine (M.D). Following medical school, he completed his Internship in Internal Medicine and Residency in Therapeutic Radiology (Radiation Oncology) at Yale School of Medicine/Yale-New Haven Hospital, serving as Chief Resident in his final year. From 2016-2018, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Michigan. His clinical, teaching, and research interests include the utilization of stereotactic radiation therapy and palliative radiation therapy.
Board Certification
- American Board of Radiology (Radiation Oncology)
Education and Training
- MBA 2016, Healthcare Administration, School of Management, Yale University
- Residency 2016, Therapeutic Radiology (Radiation Oncology), School of Medicine, Yale University
- Internship 2012, Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Yale University
- MD 2011, Medicine, School of Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine
- BS 2007, Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, University of Michigan
- Thoracic Neoplasms
- Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)/Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT)
- Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)
- Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)
- Soft Tissue Sarcomas
- Radiosurgery for Brain and Spinal Tumors
- Lung Cancer
- Hematologic Neoplasms
- Head and Neck Cancers
- Gynecologic Oncology
- Genitourinary malignancies
- Gastrointestinal Cancers
- Breast Neoplasms
Jagsi R., Schipper M., Mietzel M., Pandya R., Moran J.M., Matuszak M., Vicini F., Jolly S., Paximadis P., Mancini B., Griffith K., Hayman J., Pierce L. The Michigan Radiation Oncology Quality Consortium: A Novel Initiative to Improve the Quality of Radiation Oncology Care International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2022;113:257-265.
Jagsi R., Mietzel M., Moran J.M., Matuszak M.M., Vicini F.A., Jolly S., Paximadis P., Mancini B.R., Schipper M., Griffith K., Hayman J.A., Pierce L.J. Quality Improvement in a Statewide Collaborative Radiation Oncology Quality Consortium International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. 2021;111:S73.
Jaworski E.M., Yin H., Griffith K.A., Pandya R., Mancini B.R., Jolly S., Boike T.P., Moran J.M., Dominello M.M., Wilson M., Parker J., Burmeister J., Fraser C., Miller L., Baldwin K., Mietzel M.A., Grubb M., Kendrick D., Spratt D.E., Hayman J.A. Contemporary Practice Patterns for Palliative Radiation Therapy of Bone Metastases: Impact of a Quality Improvement Project on Extended Fractionation Practical Radiation Oncology. 2021;11:e498-e505.
Gharzai L.A., Beeler W.H., Hayman J.A., Mancini B., Jagsi R., Pierce L., Moran J.M., Dominello M.M., Boike T., Griffith K., Jolly S., Spratt D.E. Recommendations for Single-Fraction Radiation Therapy and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in Palliative Treatment of Bone Metastases: A Statewide Practice Patterns Survey Practical Radiation Oncology. 2019;9:e541-e548.
Mancini B.R., Stein S., Lloyd S., Rutter C.E., James E., Chang B.W., Lacy J., Johung K.L. Chemoradiation after FOLFIRINOX for borderline resectable or locally advanced pancreatic cancer Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology. 2018;9:982-988.
Spratt D.E., Mancini B.R., Hayman J.A., Boike T., Pierce L.J., Moran J.M., Dominello M.M., Fireman M., Griffith K., Jolly S. Contemporary Statewide Practice Pattern Assessment of the Palliative Treatment of Bone Metastasis International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2018;101(2):462-467.
Harder E.M., Chen Z., Park H.S., Mancini B.R., Decker R.H. Dose-Volume Predictors of Esophagitis after Thoracic Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials. 2017;40(5):477-482.
Yeboa D.N., Rutter C.E., Park H.S., Lester-Coll N.H., Corso C.D., Mancini B.R., Bindra R.S., Contessa J., Yu J.B. Patterns of care and outcomes for use of concurrent chemoradiotherapy over radiotherapy alone for anaplastic gliomas Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2017;125(2):258-265.
Golden D.W., Braunstein S., Jimenez R.B., Mohindra P., Spektor A., Ye J.C., Bradley K.A., Chmura S.J., Currey A., Das P., Du K., Haas-Kogan D., Howard A.R., Higgins S.A., Hung A.Y., Kharofa J., Krishnan M.S., MacDonald S.M., Mancini B.R., Parashar B., Thaker N.G., Thomas C.R., Viswanathan A.N., Wheatley M. Multi-Institutional Implementation and Evaluation of a Curriculum for the Medical Student Clerkship in Radiation Oncology Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2016;13(2):203-209.
Kole A.J., Park H.S., Yeboa D.N., Rutter C.E., Corso C.D., Aneja S., Lester-Coll N.H., Mancini B.R., Knisely J.P., Yu J.B. Concurrent chemoradiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone for “biopsy-only” glioblastoma multiforme Cancer. 2016;122(15):2364-2370.
Lester-Coll N., Park H., Rutter C., Corso C., Mancini B., Yeboa D., Kim S., Gross C., Yu J. The Association Between Evaluation at Academic Centers and the Likelihood of Expectant Management in Low-risk Prostate Cancer Urology. 2016;96:128-135.
Mancini B., Park H., Harder E., Rutter C., Corso C., Decker R., Husain Z. Elderly patients undergoing SBRT for inoperable early-stage NSCLC achieve similar outcomes to younger patients Lung Cancer. 2016;97:22-27.
Nabavizadeh N., Burt L.M., Mancini B.R., Morris Z.S., Walker A.J., Miller S.M., Bhavsar S., Mohindra P., Kim M., Kharofa J. Results of the 2013-2015 Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology Survey of Chief Residents in the United States International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2016;94(2):228-234.
Rutter C.E., Mancini B.R., Roberts K.B. A report of metachronous orbital involvement by IgG4 disease treated successfully with low-dose radiation therapy Practical Radiation Oncology. 2016;6(2):74-77.
Rutter C.E., Yao X., Mancini B.R., Aminawung J.A., Chagpar A.B., Saglam O., Hofstatter E.W., Abu-Khalaf M., Gross C.P., Evans S. Influence of a 21-Gene Recurrence Score Assay on Chemotherapy Delivery in Breast Cancer Clinical Breast Cancer. 2016;16(1):59-62.
Stahl J.M., Ross R., Harder E.M., Mancini B.R., Soulos P.R., Finkelstein S.E., Shafman T., Dosoretz A.P., Evans S., Husain Z.A., Yu J.B., Gross C.P., Decker R.H. The Effect of Biologically Effective Dose and Radiation Treatment Schedule on Overall Survival in Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2016;96(5):1011-1020.
Harder E.M., Park H.S., Nath S.K., Mancini B.R., Decker R.H. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors decrease the risk of radiation pneumonitis after stereotactic body radiation therapy Practical Radiation Oncology. 2015;5(6):e643-e649.
Park H.S., Harder E.M., Mancini B.R., Decker R.H. Central versus peripheral tumor location: Influence on survival, local control, and toxicity following stereotactic body radiotherapy for primary non-small-cell lung cancer Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2015;10(5):832-837.
Rutter C., Park H., Corso C., Lester-Coll N., Mancini B., Yeboa D., Johung K. Addition of radiotherapy to adjuvant chemotherapy is associated with improved overall survival in resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma: An analysis of the National Cancer Data Base Cancer. 2015;121(23):4141-4149.
Rutter C., Park H., Corso C., Yeboa D., Mancini B., Lester-Coll N., Kim A., Decker R. Comparison of survival outcomes among standard radiotherapy regimens in limited-stage small cell lung cancer patients receiving concurrent chemoradiation Lung Cancer. 2015;90(2):243-248.
Rutter C.E., Lester-Coll N.H., Mancini B.R., Corso C.D., Park H.S., Yeboa D.N., Gross C.P., Evans S. The evolving role of adjuvant radiotherapy for elderly women with early-stage breast cancer Cancer. 2015;121(14):2331-2340.
Ye J.C., Mohindra P., Spektor A., Krishnan M.S., Chmura S.J., Howard A.R., Viswanathan A.N., Macdonald S.M., Thaker N.G., Das P., Mancini B.R., Higgins S.A., Braunstein S., Haas-Kogan D., Bradley K.A., Hung A.Y., Thomas C.R., Kharofa J., Wheatley M., Currey A., Parashar B., Du K., Jimenez R.B., Golden D.W. Medical student perspectives on a multi-institutional clerkship curriculum: A report from the radiation oncology education collaborative study group International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2015;92(2):217-219.
Rutter C., Corso C., Park H., Mancini B., Yeboa D., Lester-Coll N., Kim A., Decker R. Increase in the use of lung stereotactic body radiotherapy without a preceding biopsy in the United States Lung Cancer. 2014;85(3):390-394.