Residency Program Director, Department of Family and Community Medicine
Associate Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine
Contact Information
Patient Care Related:Biosketch
Kristi VanDerKolk, MD, is a family medicine physician. A graduate of Hope College, she earned her medical degree from Wayne State University and completed her residency at the University of Michigan. After graduation, she started work at the Family Health Center, a federally-qualified health center in Kalamazoo and later transitioned to working for Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine. She is currently the program director for the Family Medicine Residency Program - Kalamazoo. Dr. VanDerKolk has an interest in transgender health, and has started a transgender clinic. Some of her other interests include undergraduate and graduate medical education as well as physician burn-out and wellbeing.
Board Certification
- American Board of Family Medicine (Family Medicine)
Education and Training
- Residency 2012, Family Medicine Residency, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
- MD 2009, School of Medicine, Wayne State University
- BA, BS 2004, BS in Biology and BA in Spanish, Hope College
- Family Medicine
Haymaker C.M., Cadick A., Bane C.M., Percifield C.S., McGuire N., Vanderkolk K. Identification and Accommodation of ADHD in Family Medicine Residencies: A CERA Study Family Medicine. 2024;56:435-441.
Soares N., Vanderkolk K., Hasan M.S., Burge S., Graves L. Family Medicine Residency Program Directors’ Perception of Curricular Elements Related to Autism: A CERA Study Family Medicine. 2024;56:94-101.
Haymaker C., Berry S.D., Cadick A., Bane C., VanDerKolk K. The relationship between a single-item measure of burnout and the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory in family medicine residents International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 2023;58:637-642.
Porter-Stransky K.A., Gibson K., VanDerKolk K., Edwards R.A., Graves L.E., Smith E., Dickinson B.L. How Medical Students Apply Their Biomedical Science Knowledge to Patient Care in the Family Medicine Clerkship Medical Science Educator. 2023;33:63-72.
Porter-Stransky K.A., Gibson K., VanDerKolk K., Edwards R.A., Graves L.E., Smith E., Dickinson B.L. How Medical Students Apply Their Biomedical Science Knowledge to Patient Care in the Family Medicine Clerkship Medical Science Educator. 2023;33:63-72.
Donovan M., Vanderkolk K., Graves L., McKinney V.R., Everard K.M. Gender-affirming care curriculum in family medicine residencies: A cera study Family Medicine. 2021;53:779-785.
Vanderkolk K., McKinney V.R., Graves L., Harper D.M. Transgender education in north american family medicine clerkships: A cera study Family Medicine. 2021;53:676-683.
Dickinson B.L., Gibson K., VanDerKolk K., Greene J., Rosu C.A., Navedo D.D., Porter-Stransky K.A., Graves L.E. Erratum: Correction to: "It is this very knowledge that makes us doctors": an applied thematic analysis of how medical students perceive the relevance of biomedical science knowledge to clinical medicine (BMC medical education (2020) 20 1 (356)) BMC medical education. 2020;20:428.
Dickinson B.L., Gibson K., Vanderkolk K., Greene J., Rosu C.A., Navedo D.D., Porter-Stransky K.A., Graves L.E. "it is this very knowledge that makes us doctors": An applied thematic analysis of how medical students perceive the relevance of biomedical science knowledge to clinical medicine BMC Medical Education. 2020;20
Dickinson B.L., VanDerKolk K., Bauler T., Cole S. Integration of Biomedical Sciences in the Family Medicine Clerkship Using Case-Based Learning Medical Science Educator. 2017;27:815-820.
Dickinson B.L., VanDerKolk K., Bauler T., Cole S. Integration of Biomedical Sciences in the Family Medicine Clerkship Using Case-Based Learning Medical Science Educator. 2017;27:815-820.
- Free skin cancer spot check: Evaluating prevalence of untreated cutaneous carcinoma in Kalamazoo County. Hunt A, Duong J, Lai C, Stulberg D, VanDerKolk K, 42nd Annual Kalamazoo Community and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2024
- Generalized Lymphadenopathy with Non-Specific Symptoms as Early Manifestations for Lupus Nephritis. Jirjis M, Dhaliwal A, VanDerKolk K, 41st Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical & Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 05/2023
- Effect of a Mandatory Study Regimen on ITE Scores in a Family Medicine Residency. Manderle B, Jan A, Billian J, VanDerKolk K, 40th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2022
- Teaching the Excellent Learner: Exploring the Program Director Perspective. Graves L, VanDerKolk K, Crooks S, Dregansky G, Annan A, The Generalists in Medical Education, Virtual, Online, 11/2021
- A Case of Penile Carcinoma Presenting As Scrotal Pain and Swelling. Nguyen N, VanDerKolk K, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- A 34-Year-Old Recovering Alcoholic With Acute Liver Failure. Alluri S, Humphrey W, Kassir D, Potilechio M, Marsh L, Jevert-Eichorn S, VanDerKolk K, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
- Reflective writing in clerkships: Viewing patients through a basic science lens using the Kolb Learning Cycle. Dickinson B, VanDerKolk K, Gibson K, Greene J, Graves L, 2018 Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, 04/2018
- Intimate partner violence screening following education. VanDerKolk K, Kothari C, Piper L, Graves L, North American Primary Care Research Group, Montreal, Quebec, 11/2017