Visual Identity Guide

As we strengthen WMed's visual identity, it’s important that we all adhere to the same set of style and design rules. This identity guide serves as a resource, and contains answers to questions you might have, such as, “Which fonts are okay to use?” or “What is the official WMed color palette?” As more and more creative work comes to life, this guide will evolve, so please refer to it periodically.

A few examples of when you might refer to the identity guide:

  • You’re beginning a print piece or a website and want a refresher on the medical school's official creative positioning.
  • You’re creating a presentation for a conference and need a WMed-branded PowerPoint.
  • You’re using an outside source to design materials for your department and need to provide them with the correct color palette, logo and typeface usage rules.

Consistency is powerful. When our communication pieces, regardless of medium, are identifiable as coming from one institution, we demonstrate a common purpose and the strength of the mission, vision and brand of WMed will be even greater.

Using WMed’s approved identity—the logo, logo mark, colors and typography—is expected for all individuals at WMed and any outside vendors used and is intended to cover all signage, advertising, promotional materials, correspondence, presentations, documents, etc. that will be used or distributed inside or outside the organization. The guidelines and standards provided are intended to equip you with the tools you need while allowing for the flexibility to communicate directly with your audiences.

The samples included here are not exhaustive and should questions or assistance be needed, please contact Director of Communications Laura Eller at 269.337.4513 or by email at

WMed Logos: Please contact Director of Communications Laura Eller at 269.337.4513 or by email at to obtain logos. Artwork approval is required for WMed logo use.

WMed Style Guide: For use by the WMed community for all Web and print publications. The guide outlines the appropriate style for names, titles and degrees; place names; grammar and punctuation; dates and times; numbers and data; etc.

WMed Approved Vendors

The AAMC Center for Health Justice and the AMA partnered to publish the guide, Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts, to support physicians, health care providers, and others to change how we speak about patients and communities. It is an excellent source of information that supports our efforts to improve health equity in medicine.

Photography: An online gallery of general and event-specific WMed photos is available for use in presentations.